
Human Resource Management & Teachers’ Professional Development within

Prof. Karin Sanders,荷兰Twente大学组织心理学与人力资源发展系主任

Prof.Karin Sanders showed the effects of HRM(Human Resources Manangement) or HRD (Human Resources Develpment)on Teachers' Professional Development, such as formal learning, informal learning, the leadership of school, team factors.

But I was quite astonished when I communicated with Karin. Because I was told that there is even no any form of teacher training to help teachers' professional development and Prof.Karin also said it was ironic.

The Comparative-historical Study of teacher professional role and identity in mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan By Prof. TSANG Wing-kwong

曾荣光教授(Prof. TSANG Wing-kwong),为香港中文大学教育社会学教授,主要关注的研究领域有: 教育政策分析;教育的相关社会学分析;教师专业身份。特别是在教育的语言政策、教育的公平性、教师的专业性方面的研究在国际学术界产生广泛影响。
本次讲座,Prof. TSANG Wing-kwong,主要介绍了他80年代初期做过的一篇关于教师专业发展的研究——The Comparative-historical Study of teacher professional role and identity in mainland,Hong Kong and Taiwan(内陆、香港、台湾的教师专业角色与身份:历史比较研究),具说这个研究直到现在引用率都很高,可见一个好的研究是需要花费足够的时间踏踏实实地来完成的,同时,也会由时间来验证其价值的。而我们大陆的学术之风却偏偏缺少这份踏实,而急不可耐地想要成果。

The lecture by Prof. Duncan of OU

开放与远程教育(Open and Distance Learning)与传统教育最大的不同之一在于,教学是通过预先设计好的学习材料来实施的。因此,学习材料的设计和开发情况对于远程教育的教学质量和教学效果具有举足轻重的意义。而,对于当前“以学生为中心”的远程教育理念的落实,如何进行学习材料的设计和开发以保证远程教育的质量,这又是一个非常困难的问题。
从开发小组的组成、计划安排(schedule)、到设计的步骤(planning)、学习者分析、再到学生学习技能的培养、如何获得反馈,Prof. Duncan 都给出了细致的方法、步骤和操作例子。尤其是如何做schedule、学生学习技能培养(包括记笔记、如何使用和解释图表等细小的内容)这些常常被我们视为简单得不值得重视,却恰恰又是我们的弱点的地方,Duncan教授却给予了特别的强调和重视。或许,这就是我国远程教育与英国开放大学的教育存在巨大差距的根源之一,计划性和对细节的关注。
-structure the learning
-have small steps
-move at a good pace
-give redundant information
-provide many examples
-give open, active practice, if possible together with others
-give feedback and correction quickly
-get 80% learning achieved early
-divide up the tasks
-provide continuous student practice
-be economical
对于如何平衡不同水平、不同需求的学习者的差异,Duncan教授给出的3点建议,也是很有启发性的,1、学习材料(课程材料)应该是多层分级的;2、为不同学习风格的学生设计不同类型的学习活动以供选择3、提供有效、及时的学习指导和反馈。 虽然,这个问题是ODL教育中较能解决的问题,但是英国开放大学的实践的确做得很好。至于,如何结合中国的教育文化和社会背景来更好地借鉴和学习这些成功的经验,还需要我们更多地思考和探索!


what makes a good teacher:

A mediocre teacher tells,
A good teacher explains,
A superior teacher demonstrates,
A great teacher inspires.

From: What Makes A Good Teacher

I like it very much!

A new perspective of Teacher Education in Media

在媒体环境下,如何促进教师教育,Renee Hobbs 在“Approaches to Teacher Education in Media Literacy” (2008)一文中给了我们很好的视角和参照。
首先,关于媒体素养,Renee Hobbs 此汇报中给了如下定义:
Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and communicate messages in a wide variety of forms.
The purpose of media literacy education is to help individuals of all ages develop the habits of inquiry and skills of expression that they need to be critical thinkers, effective communicators and active citizens in today’s world.
1、Teacher Motivations
2、Instructional Methods
3、Approaches to Teacher Education
4、Media Texts, Tools & Technologies

1、Examining Teacher Motivations: 检验教师动机,主要采用问卷调查法,同时要关注以下几个方面:
• Engagement and motivation
• New forms of literacy
• Workplace skill development
• Citizenship, democracy & social change
• Aesthetic and cultural appreciation
• Protection from negative influences
2、Instructional Methods
1. Use media texts & technologies
2. Reflect on media consumption and participation
3. Critical analysis and evaluation of media texts and technologies
4. Compose and create using media and technology tools
5. Participate in appropriate forms of advocacy/action

3、Approaches to Teacher Education:实施教师教育的方法,Renee给出了以下几种:
• Self-taught enthusiast
• Staff development programs
• Curriculum-based approaches
• Mentoring
• Research partnerships
• Formal education (theoretical, conceptual)
Texts, Tools & Technologies
 How and why do school districts control use of texts, tools and technologies in school?
 How do faculty in schools of education model the use of texts, tools & technologies?
 What are the opportunities & risks when students bring in texts, tools & technologies to the classroom?
 What role can teachers play in addressing policy issues related to the use of texts, tools & technologies?
Approaches to Teacher Education in Media Literacy资源:来自 www.slideshare.net


中文文献主要利用师大图书馆提供的资源,如cnki (http://dlib.edu.cnki.net/kns50/ ),维普(http://vip.calis.edu.cn/ ),师大学位论文数据库等,先查找几篇博士论文或优秀硕士论文,对相关领域有个系统的了解。再看其它文章。
英文文献,常用的是图书馆的ProQuest平台,springer (http://www.springerlink.com )。但是,这两个平台的英文材料,我觉得还是非常有限的,很多文章都不能下载全文。因此,经一位朋友推荐,我最常使用的是这个网站:http://www.jstor.org/ 对于.org的网络,通常他们的目的都不是为了赚钱,而类似一种公益性的共享。所以,你只要遵守一些规则,很多好的材料、文章都可以下载。

我常用的就是“百度百科”、“google”、 www.msn.com、wiki,这些。
而google 的一大好处是,中英文材料的结合,尤其是在检索一些知识性、偏学术性的内容时,要远远好于百度。同时,tag标签定位要好于百度,广告性的成分也更好。

另外,对于PPT形式的材料,我常检索的网站还有www.slideshare.net .其中有很多非常好的PPT 资源,在PPT下面,通常还附有相应的文本。

我现在常用的就是 www.diigo.com 和 search.twitter.com. 我发现这两个网站里,有很多非常好的资源链接,而且你可以发现一些和你有共同关注的群体或组织。
你常常会在词典里找不到你想要的关键词或句子,这个时候可以在Google中或者Baidu中进行搜索。换用不同的方式,如“*** 翻译?”“** 如何用英语表达”“how to say**””how to translate**”, 来找到你想用的东西。



How can teachers give effective instructions

Tips for giving effective instructions from Mrs. Wang:
1. use simple instructions and target it at the level of students' linguistic competence
2. Use clear and loud voice
3. Use Chinese when it is absolutely necessary
4. Use body language to assist comprehension
5. Use modeling instead of long and complicated language for instructions
6. avoid doing all the talking in class.

and for the question How teachers can give effective instructions, every teacher himself or herself should think and taste it during their teaching. And researchers should do more to provide teachers more advices and examples.